Girls’Day 2022: cellcentric invites 10 girls to discover the fuel cell

On Girls’ Day, girls from the seventh grade upwards have the opportunity to discover professions in which mostly men have worked up to now and in which the proportion of women is below 40 percent.

Girls’ Day is back on April 28, 2022
On Girls’ Day, girls broaden their range of career choices and learn “among themselves” about professions in technology, crafts, IT, natural sciences and industry, and can test their skills in precisely these areas. They meet female role models and women in leading positions – this inspires and motivates.

Girls’ Day at cellcentric.
We are happy that cellcentric is part of this initiative this year. Girls can expect an exciting day at the cellcentric site in Nabern, where girls from the 5th grade onwards can get to know different areas and professions at our company, such as design engineer or development engineer. There will also be other highlights, such as insights into our hydrogen and air-powered fuel cell, which enables climate-neutral and sustainable mobility.

Registration for Girls’ Day.
Registration takes place via the cellcentric profile on the Girls’ Day website. The website also provides step-by-step instructions and an overview of contact persons.

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