Code of Conduct

cellcentric recognises that the only way we can set an example as a company on a global scale is by acting responsibly at a local level - on every shop floor and in every office. This is our responsibility.

The cellcentric Code of Conduct is the tool that helps us navigate what is right in a given situation and act in a way that manages legal and ethical risk.

The cellcentric Code of Conduct and the resulting commitments are also addressed to our business partners and their employees, so that the core principles can be passed on to their suppliers and compliance ensured.

More information can be found in the document below:
Code of Conduct

Like all our employees, also our business partners are requested to report any misconduct or maladministration in connection with the cellcentric Group’s business activities. For this purpose we installed an external Compliance Hotline. Reports will be treated confidentially and, if requested, anonymously.

Road by a lake

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